What We Do / Our Projects / New Meal Delivery Van Acquired

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Fall 2021

New Meal Delivery Van Acquired

Friends of the River Valley (FRV) joined forces with Full Plates Full Potential (FPFP) and RSU 10 to acquire and equip a new and larger meal delivery van for the regional school system. FRV’s collaboration with Jeannie LaPointe of RSU 10 and Justin Strasburger of FPFP will allow RSU to increase its reach throughout the community to feed school-age children during vacations and periods of remote learning. The van is also intended to provide nutritional support for the River Valley Community after-school programs and as a resource for the newly established Old School Food Pantry. The new van will, potentially, deliver up to 200 meals a day.


Photo courtesy Bruce Farrin of the Sun Journal/Rumford Falls Times